Startups possess remarkable agility, speed, and a willingness to experiment with innovative strategies and business offerings, which often give them an edge over traditional corporations. These corporations, hindered by bureaucratic constraints, can be much slower to implement changes. Despite these advantages, startups frequently lack the extensive experience and knowledge that corporations have accumulated over time, rendering them more prone to costly mistakes that may even lead to their collapse.
How can startups leverage Expert Networks to access expertise? 
Expert networks, such as Infoquest, can provide startups with access to industry subject matter experts who can offer the guidance and insight they need. Expert networks are an essential tool in supporting startups to gather a range of perspectives and opinions to make well-informed decisions that can positively impact your product launch, market research, and due diligence.
Take an example…
Suppose you are a startup intending to enter the vintage collectibles market. Although you have experience in marketplaces, you lack hands-on experience with antiques. You undertake research to understand the market trends, customers’ pain points, the competitive landscape, and shipping insurance specifics.
Once you provide us with your requirements, we immediately begin our research to find experts who possess the precise field experience you require. Ultimately, we will connect you with professionals who can offer insights from the competitors’ perspective and others who can provide customers’ views.
Finding and selecting the right experts without access to Expert Networks can be a daunting task. Startups may find a professional with some market expertise, but who may not be able to offer in-depth knowledge on all the necessary topics, leading to mediocre outcomes.
Whether startups need to validate their hypotheses or identify new market opportunities, Infoquest can help connect them to a wide range of global industry experts to provide various perspectives and empower their decision-making.
Reach out to us today at to learn more!